Episode 049 - Class: Gathering the Magic - Wizards: By the Book

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The nerdiest of nerds, the wizard is one of the most powerful and versatile classes in 5e, and this week the panel of Dungeon Masters digs into three of the subclasses in the Player’s Handbook.  As the DM’s struggle to stay on topic and talk about their likes and dislikes of the class, they break down Abjurers, Diviners, and Illusionists.

Terry, Dan, and Adam channel their inner savants and discuss interesting ideas surrounding the learned mage class, including what to do with down time, how necessary familiars are, and what to do besides a basic old Gandalf stereotype.  There’s so much more to the class than stuff old Dumbledores and Elminsters, and the It’s A Mimic! podcast explores not just what it means to be a wizard, but how to breathe new life into the class.

On-Air Shoutout: @kenkucraft (Instagram)

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Intro/Outro Music by: Cory Wiebe

Shout Out Music by: Isaac Callender

Logo by: Kate Skidmore