for dm’s
All episodes available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube, as well as most other podcast apps.
Fantasy Settings (E011)
Celebrities of The Forgotten Realms (E150)
The Sword Coast (E157)
Toril (E164)
Gods of the Forgotten Realms (E171)
The Underdark (E018)
Chult (E074)
Waterdeep (E095)
Icewind Dale (E129)
Baldur's Gate (E143)
The Feywild (E032)
The Shadowfell (E039)
Barovia (E088)
Ravenloft (E136)
The Astral Sea (E046)
The Lawful Planes (E185)
The Chaotic Planes (E192)
The Upper Planes (E178)
The Lower Planes (E025)
Avernus (E060)
The Elemental Planes (E285)
Eberron (E053)
Ravnica (E067)
Theros (E080)
Spelljammer (E210)
Dragonlance (E227)
Strixhaven (E242)
Planescape: Sigil and the Outlands (E282)
Dungeon Master Tips
Starting Your World (E012)
Random Tables (E016)
Preparing for Sessions (E019)
Campaign Styles (E030)
Dungeons (E033)
Character Death (E037)
Horror (E040)
Attacking the Character Sheet (E044)
Rewards (E047)
Handling Problem Players (E051)
Midweek Content (E134)
Homebrew Overview, Part 1 (E141)
Homebrew Overview, Part 2 (E148)
Roleplaying NPC's (E183)
Setting the Scene, Part 1 (E190)
Setting the Scene, Part 2 (E197)
DMing for Kids (E199)
Mounted Combat, Mounts, Vehicles (E232)
Initiative and Combat Management (E241)
Forgotten Spells (E245)
In-Game Relationships (E255)
Finding Inspiration (E023)
D&D Films - The Movies (E124)
D&D Films - Hypothetical Casting (E125)
D&D Films - Honor Among Thieves (E124a)
Dramatic Situations (E126)
The Hero's Journey (E127)
Designing Villains (E026)
Mobs (E100)
Mobs Retrospective (E121)
Aquatic Encounters (E117)
Solo Monsters (E122)
Intelligent Creatures (E123)
Monster Stat Blocks (E162)
Power Creep (E155)
Monster Traits for Homebrewing (E299)
Traps (E212)
Lighting, Concealment, Cover, and More (E217)
Natural Hazards (E231)
Environments (E248)
Settlements (E251)
Magical Hazards (257)
Overland Travel (E287)
Blind, Deafened, Poisoned, Charmed, Frightened (E065)
Hidden, Invisible, Grapple, Restrained, Prone (E072)
Incapacitated, Stunned, Paralyzed, Petrified (E081)
Diseases, Scars, Injuries, Curses (E086)
Unconscious, Death Saves, Exhaustion (E093)
Alignment, Honor, and Sanity (E058)
Multiclassing, Healing, Weapons (E169)
Communication, Madness, Fame (E176)
Exploration (E207)
Combat (E224)
Downtime: Crafting, Buying, and Selling Magic Items (E264)
Downtime: Character Building (E265)
Downtime: Making Money (E266)
Ladies and Gaming (E269)
DM Tools (E276)
Ocean Travel (E293)
Ships and Aircraft (E297)
Using Magic Items & Item Histories (E272)
Minor Magic Items & the DMG Lists (E273)
Cursed Items, Sentient Items, & Artifacts (E274)
Combat: Dynamic Battle (E001)
Combat: Balance (E002)
Combat: Enemy Tactics (E003)
Exploration: What is Exploration? (E004)
Exploration: Environments (E005)
Exploration: Discovery and Ability Checks (E006)
Roleplaying: What is Roleplaying? (E007)
Roleplaying: Player vs Character (E008)
Roleplaying: Party Politics (E009)
“I’m a lore junkie, so the lore episodes are always super pleasing. The monster breakdowns are excellent, I’ve listened to so many in preparation for games, as well as the DM tips. I’m relatively new to being a DM myself and they’re super helpful. But so are the races/lineages and dragon breakdowns. There isn’t an episode that I don’t love.”