for players
All episodes available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube, as well as most other podcast apps.
Alchemist, Artillerist, Battle Smith (E056)
Armorer (E167)
Battlerager, Berserker, Totem Warrior (E013)
Ancestral Guardian, Storm Herald, Zealot (E055)
Beast, Wild Magic (E131)
Giant (E246)
Lore, Valor, Whispers (E014)
Glamor, Sword, Eloquence (E084)
Creation, Spirits (E152)
Life, Light, Nature (E020)
Knowledge, Tempest, Trickery (E063)
Death, Grave, War (E091)
Arcana, Forge, Order (E139)
Peace, Twilight (E180)
Land, Moon, Shepherd (E021)
Dreams, Spores (E138)
Stars, Wildfire (E158)
Battle Master, Champion, Eldritch Knight (E034)
Arcane Archer, Cavalier, Samurai (E097)
Echo Knight, Purple Dragon Knight (E173)
Psi Warrior, Rune Knight (E188)
Four Elements, Open Hand, Shadow (E035)
Drunken Master, Kensei, Long Death (E077)
Astral Self, Mercy, Sun Soul (E166)
Ascendant Dragon (E187)
Devotion, Ancients, Vengeance (E041)
Conquest, Glory, Redemption (E083)
Crown, Oathbreaker, Watchers (E145)
Beastmaster, Hunter, Revised Ranger (E042)
Gloom Stalker, Horizon Walker, Monster Slayer (E062)
Tasha's Updates, Spells, Beastmaster Companions (E174)
Drakewarden, Fey Wanderer, Swarmkeeper (E194)
Arcane Trickster, Assassin, Thief (E027)
Inquisitive, Scout, Swashbuckler (E069)
Mastermind, Phantom, Soulknife (E160)
Divine Soul, Draconic Bloodline, Wild Magic (E048)
Shadow Magic, Storm Sorcery (E076)
Aberrant Mind, Clockwork Soul (E132)
Lunar (E211)
Celestial, Hexblade, Undying (E028)
Archfey, Fiend, Great Old Ones (E098)
The Fathomless, The Genie, The Undead (E146)
Abjuration, Divination, Illusion (E049)
Conjuration, Evocation, Transmutation (E070)
Enchantment, Necromancy, War Magic (E090)
Bladesinging, Order of Scribes (E153)
Chronurgy, Graviturgy (E181)
Wood Elf, Sun Elf, Sea Elf (E054)
Eladrin, Drow, Shadar-kai (E061)
Hill Dwarf, Mountain Dwarf, Duergar (E068)
Humans (E075)
Half-Elves (including Variants) and Half-Orcs (E082)
Lightfoot Halfling, Stout Halfling, Ghostwise Halfling, Lotusden Halfling (E089)
Gnomes: Forest Gnomes, Rock Gnomes, Svirfneblin (Deep Gnomes) (E096)
Tieflings: Feral Variants and Devilish Options (E130)
Dragonborn: Chromatics, Metallics, Draconblood, Ravenite, Gemstone (E137)
Dragonborn: Fizban Updates and Gemstone Dragonborn (E165)
Aarakocra (M013)
Genasi: Air, Earth, Fire, Water (E144)
Aasimar: Generic, Fallen, Protector, Scourge (E151)
Kobolds, Lizardfolk, Yuan-ti (E158)
Dhampir, Hexblood, Reborn (E172)
Orcs (E179)
Goblinoids: Bugbears, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Verdan (E186)
Firbolgs, Goliaths, and Tritons (E193)
Autognomes, Plasmoids, Thri-kreen (E205)
Astral Elves, Giff, Hadozee (E215)
Kenku, Tabaxi, Leonin (E220)
Faerie, Harengon, Owlin (E223)
Loxodon, Simic Hybrid, Vedalken (E236)
Centaur, Minotaur, Satyr (E237)
Changeling, Kalashtar, Warforged (E270)
Shifters (E271)
Gith (E278)
Player Options
Alignment, Insanity, and Honour (E058)
Multiclassing, Damage & Health, and Special Weapons (E169)
Great Old Ones (E028a)
Fiends (Demon Lords) (E028b)
Fiends (Archdevils) (E028c)
Celestial, Fathomless, Undead (E028d)
Archfey, Hexblade, Undying (E028e)
Feats 1 (E222)
Feats 2 (E226)
Feats 3 (E230)
Feats 4 (E235)
Feats 5 (E240)
Player Engagement (E201)
Healing Magic (E037a)
Damage and Poisons (E195)
Sidekicks (E204)
Mounts, Pets, Familiars (E209)
Strongholds (E214)
Special Gifts (E229)
Backgrounds (E254)
“You can see the effort that has gone into every single episode of Its a Mimic, all the way back to the start. Obviously things have improved over time as everyone learns, but you can hear the effort being put in. ... I’ve learned a ton about being a better player, a better DM, but also a better friend and person through this podcast. Thank you It’s a Mimic!”