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All episodes available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube, as well as most other podcast apps.
Campaign Builder: Tier 1
Plot (B001)
Villains (B002)
Location (B003)
Guilds (B004)
Dynamic Encounters (B005)
Building a Dynamic Encounter (B010)
Building NPC's (B015)
Wilderness vs Urban (B020)
Skill Challenges (B025)
Lairs (B030)
Session One (B006)
On the Open Road (B007)
Escort Mission (B008)
Introducing the Campaign (B009)
Urban Unrest (B011)
Horror (B012)
Law (B013)
Heroism (B014)
Chase (B016)
Strange New City (B017)
Unreliable NPC's (B018)
Catharsis (B019)
Caravans (B021)
Rural Adventures (B022)
Captured (B023)
Escape (B024)
Scouting (B026)
Betrayal (B027)
Preparing for a Fight (B028)
Boss Fight (B029)
History (T001)
Audair to the Demon Wastes (T002)
Mournland to Q'barra (T003)
Breland to the Shadow Marches (T004)
Karnath to the Lhazaar Principalities (T005)
Distant Lands (T006)
Dragonmarks (T007)
Dragonmark Houses, Part 1 (T008)
Dragonmark Houses, Part 2 (T009)
Faiths and Organizations (T010)
Planes (T011)
Sharn, Part 1 (T012)
Sharn, Part 2 (T013)
Player Options (T014)
Intro to Theros (T015)
Divine Domains (T016)
The Life Gods (T017)
The Civilization Gods (T018)
The Destruction Gods (T019)
The Combat Gods (T020)
The Death Gods (T021)
Mortal Mountain Realms (T022)
Mortal Wilderness Realms (T023)
Mortal Sea Realms (T024)
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (L001)
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (L002)
Candlekeep Mysteries (L003)
Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft (L004)
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (L007)
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons (L008)
Spelljammer: Adventures in Space (L009)
Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen (L010)
Tales from the Firelit Gathering (L013)
Keys to the Golden Vault (L015)
Spire (L020)
Bigby Presents Glory of the Giants (L023)
Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk (L025)
Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse (L026)
The Book of Many Things (L033)
Vecna: Eve of Ruin (L036)
Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica (L005)
Acquisitions Incorporated (L006)
Players' Handbooks (L042)
Dungeon Masters Guides (L049)
Monster Manuals (L053)
GIANTS (Click Here for Wine List)
Storm Giants (G01)
Cloud Giants (G02)
Fire Giants (G03)
Frost Giants (G04)
Stone Giants (G05)
Hill Giants, Part 1 (G06)
Hill Giants, Part 2 (G07)
Mythical Giants (G08)
Urban Giants (G09)
Giants from Space (G10)
Fantastical Giants (G11)
More Mythical Giants (G12)
Ogres and Ogrillons (G13)
Ogre Variants (G14)
The Bottom of the Ordning (G15)
The Giant, Special Giant Special (G16)
Bigby's Updates (G17)
Giant Kin Updates (G18)
Social Structures (G19)
Giant Spellcasters (G20)
Liches (U001)
Eldritch Lich (U001b)
Zombies (U002)
Mummies (U003)
Wights (U004)
Reanimated Body Parts (U005)
Skeletons (U006)
Aquatic Undead (U007)
Undead Stalkers (U008)
Undead Servitude (U009)
The Returned (U010)
Eidolons (U011)
Undead from the Multiverse (U012)
Revenants and Sword Wraiths (U013)
Death Knights and Lord Soth (U014)
Grim Reapers (U015)
Negative Plane (U016)
Undead Illithids (U017)
Allip, Banshee, Bodak (U018)
Ghoul, Ghast, Shadowghast (U019)
Ghosts, Part 1 (U020)
Spectres, Poltergeists (U021)
Ghosts, Part 2 (U022)
Shadows (U023)
Plagues (U024)
Floating Horrors (U025)
Ash Zombie, Feral Ashenwright, Psionic Ashenwright (U026)
Undead Riders (U027)
Vampires, Part 1 (U028)
Vampires, Part 2 (Strahd) (U029)
Vampires, Part 3 (U030)
Vampires, Part 4 (U031)
Undead Dragons (U032)
Christmas Eve of Ruin (UX01)
New Year's Eve of Ruin (UX02)
Kas, the Betrayer (UX03)
Undead Debrief (UX04)
Undead Debrief (UX04)
Legend of the Five Rings
Samurai Sadness Simulator (5001)
The Emerald Empire (5002)
The Celestial Order (5003)
Etiquette of the Empire (5004)
Honour, Honesty, Courtesy (5005)
Sincerity, Benevolence, Duty (5006)
Courage, Loyalty, Strength (5007)
Sword and Fan (5008)
Enemies of the Empire (5009)
The Five Rings (5010)
Prayers to the Kami (5011)
Building a Hero (5012)
Built Different (5013)
Legacies (5014)
Karma (5015)
Prophecy (C000)
Arrival (C001)
Bodies (C002)
Howls and Chants (C003)
Strangers (C004)
The Courthouse (C005)
The Crow and the Worm (C006)
The Split Party (C007)
The Dying Light (C007a)
The Beginning of the End (C008)
Eulogy (C009)
The Curious Estate of Manford Madison (C011)
Raid at the Dillon Homestead (C012)
Madness in the Sand (C013)
Heist: Wizard's Tower (W001)
Heist: Wizard's Bank (W002)
Heist: Wizard's Train (W003)
The Santas (X001)
The Workshop (X002)
The Legacy of the Late Mr. Spitwhistle, Part 1 (X003)
The Legacy of the Late Mr. Spitwhistle, Part 2 (X004)
Questions & Answers
The Purple Saxophone (M001)
Spank Your Players (M002)
More Bullying Dan (M004)
Sexy Tips (M005)
Body Spray and Skunk Bladders (M006)
My Tacticals! (M007)
Why Dan? (M009)
Dirt Business (M011)
Answers from Afar (M014)
Too Old to Drink (M016)
Being Dead's Like Being Stupid (M017)
Dave Says No (M018)
Way Too Much Feet and BDSM (M020)
Evil is a Spectrum (M021)
It's Potato Day (M022)
Tabula Rasa (M023)
Game of Thrones (M024)
Suck it (M025)
Important Decisions & Schedules (M029)
The Mummy Series (M030)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (M034)
Shitty Burger King and Speculation about Kyle's Dating Life (M035)
Raw and Uncut (M037)
Star Trek (M040a)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Confused (M040b)
This Episode is Dedicated to Quentin Tarantino (M043)
Silly Questions from Silly People (M046)
Steal Everything (M047)
When You Just Need to Cattle Prod a Chud (M048)
Mike Flanagan's Network Shows (M049)
Tarzan Asking the Important Questions (M050)
Building a Dungeon with Andre (W001)
Granting Players’ Wishes with Travis (W002)
Building a Domain of Dread with Robert (W003)
Workshopping Dragons with Andri (W004)
Building Circus NPC's with Scott (W005)
Building a Town with Andri (W006)
Building a Setpiece Encounter with Robert (W007)
Naming Conventions with Andri (W008)
Fleshing Out a Settlement with Robert (W009)
Loving Eberron with Scott (W010)
Building a Kingdom with Andri (W012)
The Planes: Mirrors and Echoes with Gerald (W013)
Using Subplots with Scott (W014)
Building Random Tables with Andri (W015)
Debates, Duels, Crafting, & Learning Skills with Gerald (W016)
Discussing DMPC's with Scott (W017)
Building a Cult with Robert, Part 1 (W018)
Building a Cult with Robert, Part 2 (W019)
Building More Random Tables with Andri (W020)
Mass Combat Rules with Gerald (W021)
Where to Get Ideas (M003)
Unearthed Arcana: Magical Tattoos (M008)
XP, Alignment, and Consumables (M010)
Gear, Kits, and Tools (M012)
Aarakocra (M013)
Mimics (M019)
Another Hero Leaves the Battlefield for the Last Time (E200)
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (M026)
Farewell to 5th Edition (E300a)
Farewell to 5th Edition (E300b)
Farewell to 5th Edition (E300c)
Farewell to 5th Edition (E300d)
Announcements: Transitioning to 5.5e (A000)
Meet the DM's: Adam (A001)
Meet the DM's: Sean (A002)
Meet the DM's: Ehlwyn (A003)
Meet the DM's: Kasi (A004)
Meet the DM's: Brad (A005)
Meet the DM's: Kyle (A006)
Meet the DM's: Tyler (A007)
Classes (M00A)
Races (M00B)
Monsters (M00C)
Spells (M00D)
Trops (M00E)
Meet the DM's REDUX (M015)
“I have cut out many other D&D communities since I have found many are echo chambers for power gaming. The host for this show offer a variety of styles of playing this game. For example, Megan totally min maxes her paladins, right? So many people say D&D is for everyone, but I feel like this show really has something for everyone.”