Episode 024 - Dragon Mastery - White Dragons: Cold-hearted Killers

E024 - Dragon Mastery - White Dragons: Cold-hearted Killers
It's A Mimic!
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The yummy Mimic cake!

The yummy Mimic cake!

A little photo op with our local fans Crystal and Graeme!!!

A little photo op with our local fans Crystal and Graeme!!!

We loved all of the little details this guy had including blue cake on the inside and purple fondant to match our branding! Thanks again for the yummy treats and hanging out with us!!!!

We loved all of the little details this guy had including blue cake on the inside and purple fondant to match our branding! Thanks again for the yummy treats and hanging out with us!!!!

This week, the panel of Dungeon Masters get a sugar high and talk about the best hunters among dragonkind: White Dragons. These arctic menaces are ferocious, xenophobic monsters that use their environment to their benefit, so why are they the least-loved chromatic dragons in Dungeons & Dragons? In this episode, the DM's give these tundra tyrants the respect they deserve.

SUMMARY: From frozen lakes to icy caverns, the panel of DM's traverse the frigid wastes of the north to bring you the mechanics, lore, and strategies of these vicious despots. Can you bribe one? Who are their potential allies? Are they warm-blooded? Find these answers and more in this episode, as all three DM's devour cake, talk tactics and lairs, and debate interesting ways to use White Dragons as set piece encounters and campaign bad guys!

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Your online home for 3D printed table top gaming accessories and terrain.

Shoutout: Crystal and Graeme Pratt --- Cake by: Kobolds & Cupcakes

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Microphone (USA) - https://amzn.to/2WWuCsz 
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Intro/Outro Music by: Cory Wiebe
Shout Out Music by: Isaac Callender
Logo by: Kate Skidmore

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