Episode 021 - Class: Divine Intervention - Druids, Naturally

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The Dungeon Masters just can't get enough of the divine casters, so they turn their eagle eyes to the Druid. But if you think you can't bear it, hold on! They don't just talk about wolfing down salads and fawning over Animal Handling! So don't get squirrelly, because the DM's ferret out some deeper meanings to the subclasses, all while swallowing their initial distaste for the class, badgering each other, and looking foxy! So circle up as we go wild on nature's greatest ally!

SUMMARY: The DM's fight tooth and nail to root out a deeper meaning to their least favourite class, and they unpack some details about Circle of the Land, Circle of the Moon, and Circle of the Shepherd while planting the seeds for creative character builds. Adam attacks what he considers to be a useless mechanic, while Dan frees the beast and fights back about a great element of his subclass, and Terry summons the strength to branch out to new horizons. After crowing about their subclasses, the DM's unique builds seem to come naturally, just as you expect they wood. Puns puns puns. Druids. Puns.

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On-Air Shoutout: @jacky_rackem

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Intro/Outro Music by: Cory Wiebe
Shout Out Music by: Isaac Callender
Logo by: Kate Skidmore