Episode 009 - Roleplaying - Party Politics
This is a more mature episode that handles sensitive subject matter as it tries to address the delicate nature of issues at the table and personality differences among players. To wrap up the broad strokes of the final tier, the panel of Dungeon Masters covers the concepts of social contracts, Session Zero, and respect. Other than the game mechanics and RPG flavour, what are the logistics that should be addressed to keep the game fun and allow everyone to feel comfortable and free to take roleplaying risks? The DM's attempt to open the conversation up this week and give their opinions on many of the taboo subjects that have historically been tied to the game.
SUMMARY: After addressing meta-gaming in the last episode, the DM's turn their attention from the game to the table, and discuss the ideas of boundaries, morality, listening, and accountability while looking at the more unpleasant aspects of RPG's and Dungeons & Dragons. From financial limitations to challenging DM's about rules, from penalizing bards to making faux pas while playing other genders, and from misreading sexual encounters to dealing with problem players, this long episode covers a plethora of topics that cause static at a lot of tables. The three Dungeon Masters work together to shed some light on how they handle problematic scenarios and the best practices for resolving some of the issues including when and how you should address things that make you uncomfortable, whether it's okay to quit your group, and how different tables handle different subject matter.
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Intro/Outro Music by: Cory Wiebe
Shout Out Music by: Isaac Callender
Logo by: Kate Skidmore